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What do we offer?​

What is Laminitis?


Within the country, veterinarians see many of cases of laminitis, a painful disease that affects a horse's feet. What is especially alarming is that some cases are preventable. In fact, it may be in some cases owners are killing their horses with kindness!

Consider that a common cause of laminitis is overfeeding - a management factor that is normally within our control.

Here at Garforth Livery Stables we know about laminitis care, the causes of the disease, signs and treatments. We can help you to minimise the risks and control the long-term damage if your horse has developed laminitis symptoms.

​The sooner treatment begins, the better the chance for recovery. Treatment will depend on specific circumstances but may include the following:

  • Diagnosing and treating the primary problem (laminitis is often due to a systemic or general problem elsewhere in the horse's body).

  • Dietary restrictions; stop feeding all grain-based feeds and pasture. Feed only grass hay until advised by your veterinarian.

  • Treating with mineral oil via a nasogastric tube to purge the horse's digestive tract, especially if the horse has overeaten.

  • Administering fluids if the horse is ill or dehydrated.

  • Administering other drugs such as antibiotics to fight infection; anti-endotoxins to reduce bacterial toxicity; and anticoagulants and vasodilators to reduce blood pressure while improving blood flow to the feet.

  • Stabling the horse on soft ground, such as in sand or shavings (not black walnut) and encouraging the horse to lie down to reduce pressure on the weakened laminae.

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